At NUMC, regular cancer screening is the most potent weapon we have in the battle against this invasive and relentless disease. We urge you to make an appointment to be screened. If you are uninsured, or facing financial hardship, this potentially lifesaving Cancer Services Program, sponsored by the New York State Department of Health, can help. This is a comprehensive cancer-screening and counseling service that directs individuals to designated medical facilities, like NUMC, where breast, cervical and colorectal screenings are regularly performed free of charge for women and men who qualify for eligibility. If required, additional diagnostic testing is covered. There are also cancer support groups and legal advocates who are ready to advise patients and family members on social, financial and legal matters.
The basic eligibility requirements for the program are as follows:
- Patient does not have health care coverage, or insurance does not cover the cost of cancer screening.
- Patient is financially unable to cover the costs
- Patient meets income-level and age requirements
- Patient is a legal resident of the state of New York