About the Library
Peter W. Addiego Health Sciences Library
The Peter W. Addiego Health Sciences Library supports the patient care, biomedical research, and medical education information needs of the medical staff, faculty and affiliated students of Nassau University Medical Center and the Nassau Health Care Corporation.
The Health Sciences Library is one of the largest on Long Island. The print collection covers every discipline of the health care field and consists of approximately 6,000 monographs and 7,000 bound periodicals of over 1,000 journal titles. Specific journal articles and books which are not available on-site can usually be obtained through the inter-library loan system.
The library provides access to many electronic resources. MEDLINE and other medical databases are available from the National Library of Medicine. Various Access databases from McGraw-Hill Education provide users with integrated content including full-text textbooks, study guides, and self-assessment materials. PsychiatryOnline and APA databases (PsychINFO, PsychARTICLES, PsychTESTS) provide online access to authoritative peer-reviewed online resources in Behavioral Science and Mental Health. UpToDate Advanced provides peer-reviewed, point-of-care, and evidence-based clinical information. In addition, staff can access the Internet from computers in the library and at workstations throughout the Medical Center. Hundreds of subscription journal and book titles are now available full-text through Ebsco, Ovid, and other publisher-supported online platforms, such as Elsevier, McGraw-Hill, Springer. Library Portal and Discovery application from TDNet supports access to various online library resources, both e-books and e-journals. EOS International, our integrated library system, allows library users to search our catalog electronically through WebCat/OPAC Discovery. Library staff members provide user education on these systems and resources.
The Health Sciences Library is an attractive and comfortable setting for research and study. The library is open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m., and is located on the first floor of the Dynamic Care Building at the east end of the courtyard. The last patron admission for the day is 7:50 PM to allow for the proper library closing procedure.