Detecting breast cancer at its earliest stages is the key to saving lives. NuHealth’s Breast Imaging Center at Nassau University Medical Center uses a variety of diagnostic tools to help ensure that our radiologists have the best possible images on which to base their diagnoses. In addition to having three dedicated mammography units and a dedicated breast-ultrasound unit, we also perform breast MRIs, and have recently installed a digital stereotactic-breast biopsy machine. And regardless of which technology is used, all NuHealth patients also receive a full breast examination from a qualified nurse — something few freestanding breast-imaging centers do.
The latest addition to NuHealth’s imaging arsenal is a $1.2 million digital-mammography suite at Nassau University Medical Center. Digital mammography has distinct advantages over traditional mammography. Images are immediately available, and can be electronically enhanced to allow magnification of specific breast tissues without the need for a second visit and additional views. What’s more, digital exams are usually faster — a fact that is expected to increase NuHealth’s mammography capacity by one-third or more.
Even if you do not have insurance, you may be eligible for a screening mammogram through a state grant. For more information on the grant call 516-572-3300.
To schedule a breast exam at NuHealth’s Breast Center at Nassau University Medical Center, call (516)572-5701.