Patient Satisfaction and Service Excellence
A hospital stay can sometimes be a difficult or stressful experience for a patient and family. At the Nassau University Medical Center, we are dedicated to making your experience the best that it can be. Our trained professionals strive to provide you with high-quality care, with the kindness and compassion that our patients and families need and deserve. Patient feedback is very important to us, and is an indicator of how well the Nassau University Medical Center is doing.
One survey that we send out is known as the HCAHPS Survey. This survey asks questions that are standardized for all hospitals across the United States and the information is reported to a government-sponsored web site,
HCAHPS, which stands for Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems, was developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to measure patient perceptions of care.
Higher than State average | |
Near State average | |
Room for Improvement |
![]() |
Blue Ribbon = best possible value |
Additional information is available by clicking the links highlighted in blue.
Nassau University Medical Center
October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017 |
Patient Satisfaction |
N.Y. State Average
% Always
How often did nurses communicate well with patients? |
Communication with Nurses |
How often did doctors communicate well with patients? |
Communication with Doctors |
How often did patients receive help quickly from hospital staff? |
Responsiveness of Hospital Staff |
How often did staff explain about medicines before giving them to patients? |
Communication about Medicines |
Hospital Environment Items
% Always
How often were the patients’ rooms and bathrooms kept clean? |
Cleanliness of Hospital Environment |
How often was the area around patients’ rooms kept quiet at night? |
Quietness of Hospital Environment |
Discharge Information
% Yes
How often patients “strongly agree” they understood their care when they left the hospital? |
Care Transition |
% 9 and 10 Rating
How do patients rate hospital overall? |
Overall Rating of this Hospital |
% Yes Definitely Recommend
Would patients recommend the hospital to friends and family? |
Willingness to Recommend Hospital |