
Every baby deserves a smooth start in life. But, while we have made major advances in preventing birth defects and helping mothers avoid behaviors that might be harmful to their unborn children, childbirth still holds risks for both. When something does go wrong, the experienced, compassionate neonatologists at Nassau University Medical Center give NuHealth’s tiniest patients a fighting chance at a healthy, happy future.

Working primarily in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Nassau University Medical Center, NuHealth’s neonatology specialists work tirelessly to help newborns overcome both common and rare medical problems associated with childbirth, including:

  • Congenital Malformations (Birth Defects)
  • Intrauterine Growth Retardation
  • Low Birthweight
  • Perinatal Drug Abuse
  • Premature Birth
  • Respiratory Distress
  • Sepsis

And although their first priority is doing all they can to save each young life, NuHealth’s neonatologists also take time to help parents understand exactly what is happening, offering comfort and hope, but also providing a realistic assessment of the baby’s outlook. It’s a pediatric specialty full of both joy and heartbreak…and one most of our dedicated, caring neonatal specialists wouldn’t trade for anything.

To contact a neonatal specialist at the division of Neonatology, please call (516) 572-3319.

To reach the NICU, call (516) 572-3318.

Clinical Staff

Chetna Kothari, M.D.
Ammukutty Paulose, M.D.